CONSTRUCTION RECYCLING — American Classic Roofing & Building Supply

Starting 11/25, store hours will be from 7AM until 4PM

Shingle Recyclying in michigan


Did you know that there are approximately 450,000 homes re-roofed each year in Michigan? Each of those homes creates around 3 tons of construction waste which then typically ends up in landfills. American Classic will have the capacity to grind close to 60 tons of waste per hour, decreasing the amount of construction waste in landfills by a large proportion.

American Classic worked with the Michigan State University Domicology department and now has a Beneficial Reuse Petition that allows us to recycle construction waste including shingles, siding, plastics, concrete, wood, glass, etc.

American Classic proudly is a Nextcycle Partner as well as part of the Construction & Demolition Recycling Association (CDRA).

dust control

Recycled processed shingles have been successfully mixed with traditional gravel aggregates and used to cover rural unpaved roads, driveways, and parking lots.
These recycled shingles can now help reduce loss of gravel into side ditches, reduce vehicle noise, and can help roads last longer and require less maintenance.

other uses for processed recycled shingles

  • Hot Mix Asphalt

  • Patches for Repairing Potholes

  • Energy Recovery

  • Aggerate in Road Construction