OWENS CORNING PROCAT INSULATION — American Classic Roofing & Building Supply

Starting 11/25, store hours will be from 7AM until 4PM



ProCat® Insulation is an unbonded loosefill fiberglass™ thermal insulation. It is designed for use exclusively with the ProCat® machine.

ProCat® Insulation is intended for use in both “open” applications, such as the floor of vented attics, and in “closed cavity” applications, such as walls and floors between stories of a house.

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Want a little more information?

  • Click Here for Homeowner's Brochure

  • Click Here for Contractor's Brochure


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Machine Rental

Receive a free machine rental with purchase of a certain number of ProCat Insulation bags. Call for Details.

Click Here for the quick start guide for the machine.