Snow Fence in Grand Rapids, Michigan — American Classic Roofing & Building Supply

Starting 11/25, store hours will be from 7AM until 4PM

Snow Fence in Grand Rapids, Michigan

What is worse than a 12 inch accumulating snow storm..?
Guests coming to your home and having 12 inches of ice and snow dumped on their heads!

When you decide to install a metal roof above your entryway, it is of upmost importance to install a snow fence as well.

You wouldn’t think so, but the weight of the snow and ice coming down your metal roof, increased by the downward angle, can be heavy enough to knock someone out. It can seriously injure your beloved pets.

It is worth it to install snow fences in any area someone may walk under.

This is a snow fence American Classic crews installed in Grand Rapids.
As you can see, it is a small fence that goes along the bottom of your metal roof, to keep the snow and ice from sliding down.