stonework — PROJECTS — American Classic Roofing & Building Supply

Starting 11/25, store hours will be from 7AM until 4PM


Accent Stone in Allendale, MI

This accent stone in Allendale looks so fresh!

The picture was taken so soon after it was done, that you can see where the grout is still wet towards the bottom of the wall!
….did I mention fresh?!


The stone used on this house is made by ProVia.
It is a chisel cut stone, in the color Sterling.
The homeowner went with standard mortar between the stones, with grey sills on top.

Chimney stone in Ada, MI

Prepare to want to redo your chimneys…!

Check it out!!


The stone used on this chimney is ProVia - Olympus Chisel Cut / Drystack.


Our masonry crews are so talented.